10 Best Exercises to Lose Weight and Feel Good

Weight loss fitness exercise for abdominals

There are no one size fits all exercise routines. The reason there are a gazillion different workout programs is that everyone approaches exercise differently. In many cases, the deciding factors are physical abilities or limitations, commitment level, necessity, or the desire to better yourself.

Ultimately, the best exercise you will do is the exercise you commit to doing. Furthermore, your personal goals and development will change as the results begin to show. That’s when the excitement of a better you begins to gain momentum.

The wellness experts at healthandbeautyresource.wordpress.com has compiled the following information to help you jumpstart your health and weight loss plan.

How Much Exercise Do I Need to Lose Weight?

Weight loss is dependent on the creation of a calorie deficit. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than were consumed. Once this environment is created, you will begin to lose weight.

  • Working different muscle groups during a workout with cross-training helps to avoid muscle or tendon injury.
  • Cardiovascular (cardio) exercises with varied intensities burn the most calories in a workout.
  • Successful and healthy weight loss is losing the weight and keeping it off.

Exercise weight loss health and fitness

Once you have an understanding of how diet and exercise rely on each other, you will be more likely to lose the weight and keep it off.

Best Cardio For Weight Loss?

Cardio is highly effective for improving your health when sustained for 20 – 30 minutes daily during a 5-day workout routine. For weight loss, increase the time to 50 – 60 minutes.

Options for cardio include:

  • Stair Climber
  • Rowing
  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Cycling

What Are The 10 Best Exercises?

The following exercises target specific muscle groups. These include shoulders, upper arms, chest, back, abs, waist, hips, glutes, thighs, and hamstrings.

Before beginning an exercise session, 30 minutes of cardio should be done. Follow-up with stretching and rehydration (drink water).

Back – Pull-up, Chin-up, and Wide-Grip Pull-up

Exercise for weight loss pullup

  • Pull-ups exercise the entire back using your own weight or by adding extra weight to increase the difficulty level.
  • 1 complete pull-up is accomplished by placing your hands shoulder-width apart on a bar, palms facing away. Pull your body up until your chin is over the bar, then return to the beginning position.
  • A chin-up is the same as a pull-up but with your palms facing inward.
  • A wide-grip pull-up increases the difficulty level of a regular pull-up. It is done by gripping the bar outside shoulder width, pulling up until your chin is over the bar, then returning to the beginning position.
  • Cross your legs to reduce movement if necessary.

Shoulders – Machine Shoulder Press and Side Lateral Raise

  • The shoulder’s muscle group includes the medial, anterior, and posterior. The posterior and anterior are generally active during most other exercise and movement. These exercises target the medial.

Upper Arms – Triangle Push-up

  • The most effective exercise for your upper arms is the triangle push-up. Similar to a traditional push-up, it can be done on either your knees or toes. Instead of aligning your hands under your shoulders, they form a triangle beneath your chest.
  • For beginners, perform the exercise on an incline until you are able to support full weight on the floor.

Chest – Push-up

Weight loss and exercise pushup

  • A push-up utilizes nearly every muscle in the body and targets chest muscles.
  • Push-ups strengthen the core and help prevent both shoulder and back injuries. Push-up intensity is increased by elevating your feet or by doing single leg push-ups.

Waist – Twisting Knee Lift

  • The fastest method to slim the waistline is to target the obliques. The obliques are the ab muscles that wrap around the torso.
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then hold your arms up (as if in a defensive boxing position) then using your obliques, twist your upper body to the right and to the left maintaining your hips and legs forward.
  • As you twist right for the second time, raise your right knee. Lower your right leg and twist left-right-left, raising your left knee on the third twist.
  • The effectiveness of this exercise intensifies when combined with side crunches.

Hips – Single-Leg Squat

  • The hip muscle or gluteus medius responds best to single-leg squats. To do this exercise, stretch both arms out in front of you, stand on one leg and slightly extend the other leg in front. Bend the supporting leg and squat as far as you can without allowing the raised leg to hit the floor and return to the beginning position.
  • This exercise builds leg strength while increasing your balance.

Abs – Hanging Leg or Knee Raise

  • Take your pick! Of the hundreds of variations of ab exercises, the hanging leg (or knee) raise made our list as it uses your own weight for resistance, is easy to change intensity, and strengthens the entire core.
  • Beginners can start with bent knee raises, working up to straight leg raises, and eventually transitioning to a hanging bar.

Glutes – Squats

  • Maximum effectiveness is reached when squatting past 90 degrees (the deeper the squat, the more muscles used).
  • Beginning squat reps, only go as low as is comfortable. Work lower as confidence builds, eventually adding weights to the exercise.

Hamstrings – Deadlift

Exercise to lose weight deadlift

  • The hamstring muscles work to extend the hips, bend the knees, and tilt the pelvis. Hamstring exercises take the hip from a flexed to an extended position and bring the knee from an extended to a flexed position.
  • Standing upright with your feet hip-width apart, hold a barbell with an overhand grip in front of your upper thighs. Tighten your core keeping your knees slightly bent.
  • Keep the natural arch in your lower back as you lean forward from the hips, pushing them in the opposite direction until your torso is parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your arms straight, slide the bar down your thighs until it reaches your shins.
  • From the lower position, use the hamstrings and glutes to return to the beginning position.

Thighs – Plyometric Squat

  • For the thighs, the plyometric squat was chosen due to its repeated explosive muscle use.
  • With your feet shoulder width apart, squat down until your knees are bent at 90 degrees. With the strength in your legs and glutes, jump up (vigorously) and land back in the squat position.
  • Keep your weight over your heels to keep your landings soft (knees bent).

Completing the Process with a Rest Day

Rest is a fundamental part of the process required to build strength, endurance, and muscle. The intensity of your workout, the total volume of your weekly training, experience, and your age all determine the amount of recovery time you’ll need.

Weight loss fitness exercise and rest day

Two to three days are required between each muscle group workout for full recovery. Working out causes microscopic tears in muscle tissue and your rest days allow the muscles, and connective tissues time to mend.

The whole process culminates while you sleep. Growth hormone production increases which assists in the rebuilding and repairing of your muscles.

Once a calorie deficit is created and you’ve begun your exercise program, see it through. As results begin to show, know that you are one of the increasing numbers of men and women taking control over their weight and health.


If you enjoyed this information, see healthandbeautyresource.wordpress.com for other health and wellness articles.

3 Reasons Rest Is Critical to Your Health and Fitness

Rest aids health and fitness

Rest is often overlooked by most people, even though it is fundamental to a balanced workout and lifestyle. Most people do not know the immense benefit that rest can provide and the vital role it plays in your body’s recovery.
healthandbeautyresource.wordpress.com is dedicated to uncovering copious health benefits, but this article will highlight three reasons why rest should be taken more seriously.

1. Rest Facilitates Muscle Recovery and Prevents Injury

It is pretty obvious that rest would help you recover from an injury better and faster. Resting days aid recovery and prevents overuse in the form of lifting, running or even walking. Sleep, ice baths, and massage are other effective recovery mechanisms.

If you keep pushing yourself without taking breaks or recuperating properly, you risk wearing out your joints and muscles, and injuries are more likely to happen.

athlete sports exercise muscle exhaustion

Basically, you tear your muscle fibers when you lift weights. However, if you do not give your immune system time to recover and build the muscle, you are going to lose out on the perks of your training. This is why it is essential that you pick different days for working on specific body muscles.

When you hit the gym, you essentially break your muscle, recovery, growth and repair begins to happen when you leave the gym. Those who continuously visit the gym without breaks throughout the week will simply continue to wear down their muscle tissues and this will considerably affect the development of their strength levels.

2. Rest is Beneficial to Your Immune System

When the body is worked hard, the immune system will constantly be out to repair joints and muscles, fight infections and protect the body from any potential virus and flu. However, the immune system may fail at these functions in the absence of adequate rest. The moment your immune system fails to properly do its job, you become potentially exposed to muscle injury and sickness.

3. Rest Helps Us To Sleep

Sleep is the most basic form of rest. The average person should get around 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night according to the National Institutes of Health. Anything below the recommended time frame could result in an adverse body reaction called a sleep deficit.

Whilst it is possible for a person to get used to getting less sleep than usual, it goes without saying that this will ultimately decrease their brain function and reaction time. This can be very dangerous, precisely for individuals who operate machinery driving amongst other hazards.

Watch this video to further understand why rest and sleep are so important:

Professional Help May Be Required For Inadequate Rest

The amount of rest required will vary from individual to individual and is dependent on some factors like activity level, health status, overall stress levels and age.

If you realize that you cannot find an equilibrium between work and rest, endeavor to consult a physician who is an expert at sleep. Your physician will carry out sleep tests and determine the next course of action or direct you to a specialist if need be.

If you enjoyed this information, see healthandbeautyresource.wordpress.com for other health and wellness articles.